
Showing posts from 2020

Student Share Jack C in 7-4 of his RAD project! Enjoy!

7-4 Homeroom Students only Google Meet up

Hi everyone, This message is for students in 7-4. This morning at 10:00am there will be a google meet up happening!! Yay! Please check your email for the link to join. Ms. Owen

Hello & Update

Hello Grade 7 students! I sure miss you and seeing your faces. I want to let you know that you can still submit your RAD project to me. A few students have shared and it makes my day!! Also, we are developing a wellness blog for all of our students so stay tuned for this update. Please take care, have a self-care plan and keep your whole selves as healthy as possible.  Physical, Social, Emotional, Mental. Peace. Ms. Owen

Hello my Grade 7 Health Students & Health Work

Hello everyone! I hope that you are keeping well during the time of Coronavirus. Thank you to all the students who have been able to share "I am so RAD" projects.  Please check your powerschool to find your grade. Remember to tap into this project for ways to stay as connected to all of the wonderful gifts and talents that each of you have and take time to do the things that express your greatest self... or try something new. Students who have not yet presented your RAD projects can share creative ways to provide a picture or video to my email at or share your google project with me on google so that I can view. My google share is Fire me an email to let me know you have shared something specific. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thinking of you and hoping that you can find time to practice self care. Sincerely, Ms. Owen

I AM SO RAD!!! Project

Students are creating 'artifacts' that capture the various skills, talents, interests, hobbies that represent who they are and their uniqueness. Students began with planning, and identifying various skills, interests etc. and have started the creating aspects of their artifacts. Artifacts:  Visual, song, culinary art, improv, stand up comedy, video or movie, etc.