
Showing posts from October, 2018

Math Goal setting is Due by Monday Oct 27th

Hi grade 7, This will be your last work peiod to finish your goal setting for math. Please be sure that you read the rubric and have a pic uploaded to artifacts in your IRIS account. Thank you, Ms. Owen  Grade 7 Math -  Health Goal Rubric Visual Goal Rubric- Class voice Excellent Good Basic Not Meeting Flow chart- template to plan goal Completely finished flow chart   of planning that shows excellent attention to the details. Completed flow chart, but with some missing information that leaves the reader questioning some aspects of the goal. Some missing or very brief points of information.   More effort needed to fully develop the goal. Point form points that are not effective at outlining the plan. There are missing boxes. Visual/ aesthetic appeal. -goal is extremely clear and polished -very neat color...

SMART goal setting & math goals

Did you know you are 90% more likely to achieve your goals if you create a visual goal?  The more you see your goal, check in and are consistent the higher your chances for following through. Please come ready with your specific math goal to health this week.  You may need to ask your Math teacher to help you with this specific goal. "I want to get better at math"- not specific (too broad)  Which aspect of math would you like to improve at? "I would like to practice multiplication for 10 minutes 4 days a week".  (more specific) How would this goal that you choose support your overall improvement in math?  Your goal is specific to your needs and should be realistic.