
Showing posts from February, 2019


HI GRADE 7, WE ARE STARTING OUR NEXT UNIT - FOR STEM 3 IN SEMESTER 2 REPORT CARD. THIS IS A MULTI DAY PROJECT THAT REQUIRES YOU TO BE ORGANIZED IF YOU REUIRE MATERIALS (art supplies, paint brush, camera, etc.)  TO CREATE OR BUILD OR DESIGN OR AND YES YOU WILL ALL CREATE. I WILL HELP YOU TO STAY ON TRACK SO IT DOES NOT BECOME OVERWHELMING. IF YOU MISS CLASS, YOU WILL NEED TO CATCH UP ON YOUR OWN TIME. The rubric for sucess criteria will be in provided in class time.  Please email me if you need a copy attached.  seowen@cbe, Grade 7 Health Project “I am so RAD because…” PROJECT NAME: ___________________________________                                       Home Room:   _____ STEM 3: Life Roles and Career Development Students will: - L7. 5....

Expressing Emotions- Impotance

Hi Grade 7, We are going to wrap up our unit on Mental/Emotional Health with a small group project that demonstrates understanding of acknowledging emotions and what can happen if we do not express emotions.  This will be done through a very quick planning session with your group (I will create the group) and show a contrast. You can choose one emotion ie. Sadness, or you can show them all.  Each group will create their own and have 10minutes. Each group will perform.  Please discuss any anxieties around this and how each group member can contribute to this but it might just 'look' different for each student. Please communicate your needs in advance.  This is the work on applying 'Assertive Communication' so that your needs and the needs of the group can ALL BE MET. 7-5 DID A FABULOUS JOB ON THIS ALREADY!!   7-5- READ THE NEXT BLOG POST FOR OUR NEXT UNIT "I AM SO RAD BECAUSE...'

Duotangs to each class please

Hi Grade 7, Please be organized for class with your duo tangs and writing utensil. Also, please continue to take small steps in your goal setting - Something that you could do to improve at for Semester 2. The goal may change and that's ok. For example:  My semester 2 goal is to develop fuller answers with more detail in humanities. Action step I will take:  Ask for feedback from Ms. Brown/Mrs.Wesley on how to expand my answer in class time. Ms. Owen PS- Talk about what we are doing in Health Class with your parents on emotions and mental health. Keep talking and being supportive to one another.