
Showing posts from October, 2019

Smoking, Vaping, Peer Pressure

Learning Intentions: To think about the reasons why people choose to smoke (any substance) despite the negative harmful consequences. Understand the Facts vs. the Myths of Smoking. Begin to generate strategies to help yourself and others to avoid peer pressure situations. These strategies can be applied to all peer pressure situations.  How does an artist use their art to change the world? Smoking facts and impacts? Friday speakers corner? Dancers? Singers? Visual Artists? All Health Goal flow charts and visual representation is now due. Goal completion is for November 4th. Please provide evidence of follow through ie. Parent siganture (email or handwritten).

Goal Diggers! IRIS Account Upload

Hi Grade 7! I hope you are having an awesome Thanksgiving.  Just  a reminder that we are working on our Health Goals and that you are thinking about asking your parents for support and that you have a visual representation of your goal. This visual is to be uploaded to IRIS and with a statement about your goal or artist statement that explains your visual.

Goal Setting- Flow Chart & Visual

Hi Grade 7, We are using our flow chart to set a SMART goal in Health. We have the ability to create the life we want.  It helps to take action by setting a goal that is small, challenging, realistic and leads to something we wish for our lives. Our visual goal is a representation of a stage of the goal (Beginning, Middle, End) and can be metaphorical or abstract or be you as a scupture or statue that engages the senses and tells a story of the journey. Monday October 7 we will complete the visual goal and update this in the IRIS account. Thanks grade 7.   Collaboration of the Health Rubric Visual Goal Rubric- Class voice Excellent Good Basic Not Meeting Flow chart Completely finished flow chart that shows excellent attention to the details. Completed flow chart, but with some missing information that leaves the reader questioning some aspects of the goal. ...